Monday, January 24, 2011

Pondering the Rock

Longfellow said,"the thoughts of youth are long long thoughts." Here in
Georgia to think long is to ponder. This thought seems appropriate for my first
posting as the Rock is something or should I say someone that I have been
pondering for a long long time. There would be no need to think long thoughts
about Him except that all who seek the Lord and pursue right living are said to
be cut and quarried from Him. It seems that I cannot begin to know who I am
until I have discovered who He is. But this rock is like no other rock as many
others like myself have discovered!
Once while climbing on Mt. Sinai (the one found on the Sinai Peninsula also
called the traditional site) I looked to my right and saw a broken piece of red
granite wedged between two other larger pieces of granite stone that lay just
within my reach. As I carefully extracted the cell phone sized granite fragment
from the side of the rock from which it had broken, I noticed a pattern in the
rock. A fern frond had been captured within the rock. I guess that it had been
growing on the ground at the time of the mountain's formation since I was above
the tree line at this point on my trip to the peak.
That rock is treasured by me because of it's age, its beautiful red color, and
maybe because it had captured within itself life from a very different source.
But perhaps I treasure it most because I found it!
Not so, says my brother, who was making the climb with me. His disagreement with
my last assessment of why I love this rock comes as a result of his own
experience. He had made the climb on the same path many times before that day
and many times after that day along with multiplied thousands of other pilgrims
and in his words he has never found "squat."
Randy thinks the rock found me. I have a very smart brother!
I hope that you will join me in "Speaking to the Rock."
Rick Collins


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What happens when we fall ON the rock?

  3. Well, even though the first contact sounds painful, at least you have arrived at the right spot. God may use different works to get your attention or move you to the right spot. I am part of the Jacob Club...limping into the kingdom! Sometimes the Rock is one of offense that makes men stumble, but even with that I believe it may serve a purpose as it is a clear marker on the road. (My experience as I really don't know yours nor can I judge merely by your remarks)

  4. I think the rock is a good reminder, where we are positioned will determine what's impressed upon us.
    Pondering is good...
