Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanks Giving

i have recently FALLEN IN LOVE AGAIN WITH the collection of pSALMS WHICH ARE COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE sONG OF Ascents. These fifteen psalms cOMPRISe what is quite POSSIBLY THE FIRST HYMNAL and WERE MOST probably sung by Israelite pilgrims en route to the great Feasts of God at Jerusalem. Since the city is situated on an elevation, from any point in Israel one had to ascend when approaching the holy city. Upon arrival, they continue to ascend as worshippers climb the fifteen steps leading from the Court of Women to the Court of Israel in order to offer sacrifices.  As you read through Psalm 120-134 what is noticeable is the progression of the pilgrim’s testimonies as they progress along the way until arrival at their destination.
I was reminded of those testimonies and the steps leading into the Holy Place by many of my Facebook Friends who are doing a 30 Days of “Giving Thanks” approach to our upcoming Feast. It is good to remember the things God has done in our lives.  As Psalm 126 says, “Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Archeologists have unearthed some of the very steps leading up to the Temple and have discovered an interesting and telling fact. The steps leading up to the House of Worship were not made consistent in size. In fact the treads of the steps vary in width from almost a foot to three feet making it nearly impossible to climb them quickly.  As the pilgrim made his way into the presence of God, because of the construct of the stairs he or she must periodically pause. Most probably, during these pauses came reflection, remembering, and rehearsing (saying out Loud in repetitious manner) the great things God had done, so that their “mouths were filled with laughter” and their “tongues with songs of joy.”
We all need a pause! A holy pause of remembering the great things he has done and rehearsing them so that the community of faith may be built up in Him. That’s Thanksgiving!
I pray that we will all “Enter His Gates” by giving thanks, which because of the goodness of God, will bring the resulting fruit of praise from our lips as we enter into the courts of His near presence!
Pastor Rick Collins

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