Saturday, March 10, 2012


“But He knows the way I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” Job 23:10
Job shares the perplexity he has experienced in trying to see and talk to God during his personal storm. This particular bewilderment does not belong only to Job! We have all experienced, if we are honest, that dark night when seeing Him is nearly impossible.
“He is not there, I do not find Him, I do not see Him, I catch no glimpse of Him”, he says in exasperation. Then he turns his gaze upward when he says, “But He knows the way I take.”
Even though Job had failed to see God, he realizes that God has not failed to see him. Indeed his inability to see God in the storm is a part of the test that will reveal that which is most precious. God has a plan for you! Jeremiah says, “He knows the plans He has for us”, and He is mindful of those plans as we journey through the storm.
I am reminded that my four Grandchildren never ask for detail directions or a road map when we are traveling. They just want to know when we will get there and they leave the rest to me! Anything more than that gets lost in their childlike understanding. Unlike them, I think I still need to understand all the twists, turns and detours along the road and I definitely want to see the map or hear my Onstar Assistant, especially Emily from England, who knows everything about Georgia!
That is the walk of faith, not that we know our plans but that we believe He does! In believing that about our Heavenly Father we can have a faith which weathers every storm. Wesley prayed, “Put me to what you will.” I say “Amen” and add with the great Methodist, “You are mine, and I am yours. So be it!”

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