Thursday, July 26, 2012

Who Will Provide for You?

Father God, I call upon you today in the name of Jehovah Jireh, who is my Provider and El-Shaddai, the Almighty. In the valley of my need and on the mountain of my testing, I pray that you will quiet my fearful thoughts and still my soul, that my foot might not fail the pathway of obedience. Thank you for the great revelation of yourself as Lord Almighty and God of the Mountain who is present in your promise to those who believe.
I know that the trying of my faith has a precious end which I desire to know. As I ascend to meet those trials I ask that your great power and might sustain me. Unfetter my mind that I might begin to comprehend your great majesty and know the surpassing riches of the kingdom. In my testing, bid me to trust without giving you counsel or directing your hand. In beholding you, I bow down to worship and serve your name. Allow the names of the God of Provision and Lord God Almighty to overshadow the weakness of my flesh and draw me heavenward in gaze.
I offer and present myself as a sacrifice, that I may know the power of your resurrection and the redemption of your powerful love. Thank you for your provision of grace and it’s sufficiency to meet my every need.

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